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Key documents relating to the teaching of music (August 2020)

Note: These documents have been downloaded from the DES website. Please ensure that you have the most update information to hand by checking the DES website to note any further changes.

Document 1: “Return to School Guidance for Practical Subjects in Post Primary Schools and Centres for Education (August 2020)


Document 2: “Assessment Arrangements For Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021


Document 3: “Revised arrangements for the completion of Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) for the cohort of students 2018 – 2021 (students in 3rd Year in 2020/2021)


PDST Music Padlet

Dear Colleague, The PDST Music Team have updated the Padlet. You will find classroom and assessment material at

South East Branch Meeting

Hello Music Educators, You are receiving this email because you are (or once were) a member of the South...