PPMTA Wicklow/Kildare and South East Branch Meeting

Hello Music Educators,

There will be a combined meeting of the Wicklow/Kildare and South East branches of the PPMTA on Tuesday evening 9th February from 7-9pm through the platform of Zoom. Please note you will be able to join the event from 6:50pm. You are welcome to attend, however you must register for the event here:

ZOOM REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErc-uqrT0sEtetoqhkUW70dA_c4phIHWNQ

Numbers are limited so please register early to avoid disappointment!

The branch meeting will focus Leaving Certificate Harmony and will be facilitated by Carmel VeseyCarmel will present a talk on the three Leaving Certificate Higher Level harmony questions, offering attendees an overview into questions they may not usually teach, and providing additional insights into the ever popular Question Five. A Q&A session will follow immediately afterwards.

Carmel has over 25 years experience teaching Leaving Certificate music in Holy Rosary College, Mountbellew, Co. Galway, and has been a Higher Level Leaving Certificate composing corrector for more than 15 years. Carmel is a regular topic writer and presenter for the PPMTA Leaving Certificate Music Revision Courses.

Looking forward to seeing you at the online meeting!

Kindest regards,

David Moriarty
PPMTA Wicklow/Kildare Branch Representative

Michelle Power
PPMTA South East Branch Representative