Traditional Irish Music in the Classroom – Limerick/Clare, South East, Galway, and Mayo

There will be an online meeting of the Limerick/Clare, South East, Galway, and Mayo branches of the PPMTA on Thursday evening, February 27th from 7-9pm through our online platform, Zoom. Please note you will be able to join the event from 6:50pm. If you would like to attend the event, please register at the link below.

Register here:

The meeting is a two-hour long workshop given by Kathryn Browne on the topic “Traditional Irish Music in the Classroom”. At this meeting Kathryn will share ideas and practical tips on how Traditional Irish Music can advance the teaching and learning of aural and composing skills, thereby enhancing the learning for our students.

This meeting has in part been organised to elect new branch representatives for four branches of the PPMTA; Limerick/Clare, South East, Galway, and Mayo. The role of branch representative is an important and fulfilling role. Branch reps have the opportunity to organise CPD events for their area and extend their professional network. If a PPMTA member wished to be nominated for the position of branch rep, their branch would benefit greatly, while the branch rep would get a lot from it both personally and professionally. It is hoped that there will be an election for branch representative for each branch during the meeting. More information about the role of a branch representative can be found by emailing the Vice Chairperson, David Moriarty, at Expressions of interest in the role should be sent to the same email in advance of the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.

David Moriarty
PPMTA Vice Chairperson