PPMTA Midlands & Long/Leit/Ros/Sligo branch members

Dear PPMTA Midlands & Long/Leit/Ros/Sligo branch members,

I hope you are all in good health as we settle into another academic year. It’s hard to believe that September is almost behind us; indeed the PPMTA conference is just over two weeks away from 13-15th October. It’s on in Kilkenny this year and I hope to see many of you there. https://events.eventzilla.net/e/ppmta-national-conference-nurturing-musicians–all-levels-no-limits-2138617494 is the link to register.

PPMTA National Conference:Conference registration is now live for this years conference at the following link: The…events.eventzilla.net

Our first branch meeting of the year is the rescheduled liturgical choral music workshop with Regina Deacy. It will be held next Tuesday 3rd October 06:30-08:30pm in the music room of Convent of Mercy Secondary School, Roscommon Town (my school).

I hope many of you can join and apologies for sending this email at short notice. September ran away on me. If you could confirm your attendance by email by this Friday 29th that would be great. My email address is siofracox@hotmail.com

This is a joint meeting of the Midlands and Long/Leit/Ros/Sligo branches of PPMTA but any music teachers are welcome to attend from other branches. Mary Meaney will be retiring from her position as Midlands Branch Rep. If there are any nominations for a new Midlands Rep could you please email an expression of interest to our vice-chairperson dmoriarty.ppmta@gmail.com before Tuesday 3rd October.

Kind regards,

Siofra Cox

Long/Leit/Ros/Sligo Rep