North East Branch Meeting 26th Feb 2024 Hello Music Educators,There will be a meeting of the North East branch of the PPMTA on Monday 26th February...
Newly formed CPD body and the upcoming Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle practical dates Dear members, Happy New Year to you all. I hope preparations for mocks and practicals are all going well....
PPMTA Long/Leit/Ros/Sligo Branch Meeting There will be a meeting of the Long/Leit/Ros/Sligo and Midlands branches of the PPMTA in the music room of...
Postponed – Dublin Day 1 PPMTA Leaving Cert MUSIC Revision Course Postponed – Dublin Day 1 PPMTA Leaving Cert MUSIC Revision Course Due to unforeseen circumstances and with health and...
Gonzaga Student wins 2023 Frank Maher Classical Music Awards Pianist Joe O’Grady (17) a sixth-year student at Gonzaga College, Ranelagh, Dublin, has won the €5,000 top prize at the 2023...
PPMTA Kildare / Wicklow Meeting Online Dear Music Teacher, I hope the return after mid-term finds you well. The Kildare / Wicklow Branch will hold...
Upcoming Dublin Branch Meeting Hello Music Educators, There will be a meeting of the Dublin branch on Monday 27th Novmber 2023 from 7-9pm through the platform of Zoom. Please note you...
Phase 4 Early Enactment Subjects | NCCA Dear members, I hope all is well and that you had an enjoyable midterm break. I’m just dropping you...
PPMTA Cork Meeting (Online) Dear Music Teacher, I hope this email finds you well and rested after the midterm break. I am emailing...
PPMTA Sliabh Luchra Branch Meeting PPMTA Sliabh Luchra Branch Meeting. November 15th 7-9pm (online) With Marie Walsh, – review of Leaving certificate composition paper...